Sugar Tits
Mixed media
Sugar Tits
We see our reflections the way we want to see ourselves. I mean human's by "we." I'm talking about the aestheticized beauty that is constructed to be whatever hegemonic society dictates. Our perceptions of our physical existence is influenced through our environment we are submersed in. Our thoughts on what beauty is and how we each individually construct how we fit into the epoch of hegemonic beauty distort the achievable happiness within our bodies. On a daily basis we are receiving contradicting ideas about what we are supposed to like and purchase in order to fit into an idealized genre of beauty being marketed. Highly marketed sugar is associated with sweetness and that sweetness is associated with happiness. In the case of feminized beauty, sugar is what makes women sweet. Sugar is what we crave, but watch out how much sugar you crave! Here's the contradiction, don't consume too much of the addicting sugar! Sugar distorts the ideal figure. Now let’s create insecurities for ourselves that can be marketed upon… Really, that is not what we want or how we want to treat our existence.
This work explores the contradicting messages and images we see of ourselves and how we associate them to sugar and our existing perspectives of the body.